Tracking/Estimated Delivery Times:
At we're proud to say that the majority of orders received are shipped the same business day. However, when calculating the expected arrival date for your order, be sure to add 1-business day for processing of the order to the estimated shipping times below.
Courier collections and deliveries are made Monday through Friday only.
Delivery Charges:
We offer a flat rate delivery fee of $5.00 per order.
Shipping Times:
The majority of orders received by before 3.00pm NZ Time are shipped the same business day. Please note that a small amount of orders require extra processing time for various reasons. Those will be shipped the following business day.
If you have ordered an item that is out-of-stock or sold-out, we will attempt to contact you immediately and offer you the opportunity to order an alternative product - or to provide a full refund in accordance with terms of our returns policy.
Kindly understand that a delay may also occur if your credit card was declined or for address verification if your billing address was entered incorrectly.
PLEASE NOTE: Rural and some residential areas may require an additional day(s) delivery time.